Zheng Buyin
Workshop 1+2 : Shaolin Neijin Yizhichan

Zheng Buyin

Buyin Zheng (born in 1971 in China) is Qigong Master, therapist of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and president and founder of the International Neijin Qigong Institute in Germany. His first teacher was a Buddhist monk from the southern Shaolin temple in Fujian. Later he has studied with several Chinese masters of the various Buddhist and Taoist Qigong systems. He also became an indoor disciple of Grandmaster Yao of the Shaolin Neijin Yizhichan Qigong system. Buyin Zheng lives now in Magdeburg, Germany and teaches seminaries for students coming from all over Europe.

Web site : www.neijin-qigong.net

Workshop 1+2 : Shaolin Neijin Yizhichan

Shaolin Neijin Yizhichan stems from the buddhist tradition of the southern Shaolin temple and is known as the royal road of Qigong in China. The method is one of the most effective systems to develop inner strength (neijin). Furthermore, the state of one's own health is restored and self healing processes are activated. The exercise of the Shaolin Neijin Yizhichan method leads to a high accumulation of vital energy (qi). Actually the practitioners are able to control the flow and the radiation of qi. For that reason, the method is an important basis for many eastern martial arts such as Kung Fu or Tai Chi. By combining the practical exercises of Shaolin Neijin Yizhichan with studies of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment of sick or ill people is also possible.


Jürg Champoud
workshop 1+2 : Living qigong

Jürg Champoud

qigong teacher in Spiez (CH) passes on his experience in body and energy work of east and west.

Web site : www.yimotion.ch

workshop 1+2 : Living qigong

qigong is a pleasure and plays with body and energies. With very simple but efficient exercises for health we travel physically and mentally through our body and especially through the spine; this will allow us the become aware of our profound human nature. Another particularity of it is the harmonisation of our 3 Dan Tien.


Fernando Chedel
Workshop 1 + 2 : Peng-jin and Lü-jin: The principle energies in Tai Chi Chuan

Fernando Chedel

Fernando Chedel has been training Tai Chi Chuan for 34 years. He was a close student of the Chinese Tai Chi master Ma Tsun-Kuen for 20 years in Buenos Aires and is his designated successor. He is now the director of the International Ma Tsun-Kuen Tai Chi Chuan school which includes teachers and schools in Argentina, Spain and Germany. In 1995 Fernando moved to Spain in order to give closer support to his European students. His main interests are Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art and as a practical philosophy.

Web site : www.matsunkuen-europe.com

Workshop 1 + 2 : Peng-jin and Lü-jin: The principle energies in Tai Chi Chuan

In this workshop we will analyse and practice Peng and Lü in the context of Tui Shou and also see how this practice can support both solo form practice and fighting applications. Questions to be answered during the workshop are: What is the essence of each energy? How are the two energies complementary and how can we feel this in physical reality? How can we find the two energies in each technique and form movement? And - if we have time - how do Peng-jin and Lü-jin relate to the other Tai Chi Chuan energies?


Dan Docherty
Workshops 1+2 : Inner form

Dan Docherty

Dan Docherty studied martial arts since 1971 and Tai-Chi Chuan since 1975 with Cheng Tin-Hung. In 1980 he has won the championship in the open weight full contact division of the South-East Asian martial art championship. Dan has a university diploma in Chinese. Presently he teaches Tai-Chi Chuan throughout Europe and is the author of several books on Tai-Chi Chuan.

Web site : www.taichichuan.co.uk

Workshops 1+2 : Inner form

The Inner Form consists of techniques inside other techniques in the form, many of the names for these techniques are forgotten, they will be demonstrated and explained through applications with a partner.


Jean-Marie Grandadam
Workshop 1 : qigong / Workshop 2 : The gaze in tai-chi chuan

Jean-Marie Grandadam

Jean-Marie Grandadam, Colmar France Tai-Ji-Quan and Qi-Gong instructor. He is a student of Song Arun and has practiced since 14 years Yang style Tai-Chi Chuan of master Chen Liang Chao.

Web site : www.groupesantecolmar.net

Workshop 1


Workshop 2

The gaze in tai-chi chuan


Myriam Hans
Morning exercises

Myriam Hans

Myriam Hans, nurse, diploma from the Institut Européen de Qi Gong; has been teaching Qi Gong for the last 4 years in La Chaux-de- Fonds

Greet each day with morning exercises

We will start with breathing exercises, feeling the opening/closing of our rib cage and the movement of our diaphragm .This will be followed by a soft and respectful stretching and wringing of our muscle chains until we reach a deep yawn and ending with undulating movements from the spine outwards.

Thus prepared, the body will be ready to meet the needs of an intensive day!

Everyone is invited to join us!

Exercise will be held at Crêtets Park, in the Rotonda, an Art Nouveau wrought iron masterpiece.


Harald Hasenöhrl
Workshop 1 : Taiji Bailong Ball / Workshop 2 : heart qigong

Harald Hasenöhrl

TaiJi and QiGong teacher, for 17 years studies, education, advanced training in TaiJi and QiGong, WuShu, weapons like sword, staff, fan sabre, meditation in China, Germany and Austria with Professor Sui QingBo, Du Hong Lena, Xuer MaiJin, He Lin.

Laureate of WuShu championships in China; head of instruction for WuTai Concept Training; te aches WuShu/TaiJi for children. Harald owns his own kinesiology practice, educator by profession, conflict and de-escalation trainer, received training in different schools of kinesiology, finished a three year training course in humanistic kinesiology ( certified by DGAK), instructor of Touch for Health (IKC).

Web site : www.inbalancenet.de

Workshop 1 : Taiji Bailong Ball

Taiji Bailong Ball is a kind of sport, carried out of the Tai Chi Principles and offers game, fun and fitness. You play Taiji Bailong Ball with one racket/catcher and one ball. The movements are, as the same as Tai Chi, soft, elastic, formed as a spiral, dynamic and elegant. Taiji Bailong Ball connects concentration, game, fun, health and good life.

Workshop 2 : heart qigong

The heart qigong represents the vision of traditional Chinese medecine.
Tiao Shan Fa = regularisation of the posture and the respiration
Fang Song Gong = stretching and relaxing of the body


Cornelia Gruber-Bilgeri
Workshops 1+2 : Basic Fan techniques

Cornelia Gruber-Bilgeri


Workshops 1+2 : Basic Fan techniques

The fan is not just a tool to cool yourself off with during a heatwave! It is also a short weapon efficient and esthetic. In this workshop we will learn the handeling and the principal techniques of the fan used in the Dragon's fan. If time permits, we will also work on some applications with a partner.


Thierry Huguet
Workshop 1 : Initiation with the long stick / Workshop 2 : Tai Ji Gun

Thierry Huguet

Practising Martial arts for 26 years and Tai Chi Chuan for 12 years, he has integrated the Union Art Tai Ji Quan, working with Thierry Alibert and George Saby for 10 years. Graduate of the French Federation of Wushu, he is a medal-holder with the European championship of TCFE in Saint Petersbourg in 2004 and Paris in 2005. He continues today his training at Chen Yi He and works regularly with Epi Van de pol.. He is also a student of Chinese Medecine .

Workshop 1

Initiation with the long stick - Exercises in handling, both static and in displacementt - Applications for two - Discover the Yang form.

Workshop 2

Tai Ji Gun - Study of the Yang form and martial art applications for two.


Nils Klug
Workshop 1+2 : Bodymechanik of Master William Chi Cheng Chen

Nils Klug

He began studying Tai Chi Chuan in 1988. Teaching activity in Hannover since 1990.

In this year, he also began studying under Master William C. C. Chen, New York.

Following his certification as teacher by William C. C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Inc. in 1993, he founded his own Tai Chi Chuan school in Hannover, Germany.

Training of instructors. Organization of workshops with internationally-known guest instructors; since 1997 he has organized yearly workshops with Master Chen in Hannover.

In 2001, he initiated the International Push Hands Meeting, the largest event of this kind in Germany.

Member of the Taijiquan und Qi Gong Network of Germany (Taijiquan und Qi Gong Netzwerk-Deutschland e. V.), in the Taijiquan und Qi Gong Federation of Europe. Has taught workshops throughout Europe since 1996.

1st chairman of the Taijiquan and Qi Gong Federation for Europe (TCFE).

Web site : www.tai-chi-studio.de

Workshop 1+2 : Bodymechanik of Master William Chi Cheng Chen

I will explain my understanding of Master Chens Bodymechanic through slow movements and applications: Form, Push Hands and Martial Arts Applications.


Gabriele Laritz
Workshop 1 + 2 : Push hands applications for competition

Gabriele Laritz

Gabriele Laritz is a professional teacher and runs with her husband Roland three martial art schools in Austria. They teach Wing Chun Kkung, Eskrima, Qi Gong and Yang Tai Chi Chuan.

Gabriele Laritz :

  • 2002 double champion of the Chen Man Ching Cup in France
  • 2001 triple champion of the Danish Tai Chi Open in Danmark
  • 2002 triple champion of the Brithish Tai Chi Open in Oxford
  • 2002 triple European champion in Forms and San Shou at the European Tai Chi tournament in Danmark

Web site : www.taokungfu.at

Workshop 1 + 2 : Push hands applications for competition

The difference of push hands training for competition from regular push hands could be described as: no more "IF" and no more "BUT".Competition starts at the very moment where two people meet with the intention to get each other off balance (free push hands). In this workshop we will show which techniques are succesful against a partner who uses all of his energy to get you out of balance.


Susanne Lohrer Rovero
Workshop 1 : The Qi Gong for woman, the girl of Jade / Workshop 2 : The automassage of Qi Gong and the development of the posture of the tree

Susanne Lohrer Rovero

Susannne Lohrer Rovero has practiced the Qi Gong for 17 years and has been teaching since 1999. She studied with Master Minoru Hoshino and of Master Liu Dong, a similar study as at "Medical society for Qi Gong Yangsheng" She is also physiotherapist specialized in the Mézières method of rehabilitation and rhythmic massage.

Workshop 1 : The Qi Gong for woman, the girl of Jade

The sequence of movements the girl of Jade, developed by Master Liu Dong and his sister, have a beneficial effect on female health, supporting amongst other things a harmonious menstrual cycle and facilitating the passage towards the menopause. Master Liu Dong also developed a succession of movements intended for male health.

Workshop 2 : The automassage of Qi Gong and the development of the posture of the tree

We will stimulate and harmonize the flow of Qi in the meridian lines then utilize this at the time of the posture of the tree by developing its qualities of roots, its force of the trunk and its lightness of the crown.


Carlo Mastrolacasa
workshop 1 : Bu Fa basic postures and Taiji Quan (Yang style - M° Yuan Zumou) / workshop 2 : Tui Shou, fix step and moving step

Carlo Mastrolacasa

I like the sea and being with many people! I live in Bellinzona, I am 42 years old, and have been impassioned by the martial arts since my childhood. I have been continually studying and practicing Tai Ji Quan for more than 10 years with Master Stefano Danesi and Master Yuan Zumou. I am a graduate instructor of Tai Ji Quan and have been teaching for many years in Tessin. I am active in the Associaton Tessinoise Third Age for Taiji Quan. I am also and active member of the SGTQ, ESJSBF, A.S.I. Since 2006, I have actively been promoting "Project Shou Bo", in Switzerland. This is a unique project in Europe presented in preview by the Master Yuan Zumou at the National Meeting of Lodi (I). Visit the site www.neijia-taijiquan.info and write to me!

Some thoughts to share

The international meeting Tai Cho Tcho is a unique and important event. I am proud to be part of it. The event brings the possibility of practicing together, there will be a very rich program, exercises of the thousand-year-old Chinese culture which have the goal to improve our body. Taiji Quan is an excellent method of psychophysical training adapted to everyone, without age limits. The exercises of Qi Gong focus on improving the circulation of energy in the body, while Tui Shou is an excellent method to improve the sensitivity, balance, the movement of the basin, adherence and the yin-yang. Guide each movement with an increased attention but carry out the exercises with the least possible effort.

workshop 1 : Bu Fa basic postures and Taiji Quan (Yang style - M° Yuan Zumou)

workshop 2 : Tui Shou, fix step and moving step


Luis Molera
Workshops 1 + 2 : Tui Shou, San Shou and other game

Luis Molera

Luis Molera born 1959 in Madrid (Spain) began with Tai Chi Chuan 1980 and has been teaching since 1984. He studied Tai Chi Chuan with Grand Master William Chi-Cheng Chen in New York and Europe and is a certified teacher of the W.C.C.Chen Tai Chi Chuan with the Diploma wich enables him to teach all levels of students and do teacher training as well.

Luis has travelled many times since 1991 to Taiwan to learn more about Tai Chi Chuan, Pushing Hands and Chi Kung and met other masters and teachers like Chen Shiu-Yao (Rosa Chen), Chen Zhi Dan and Jeang Shen Chih.

Luis had for over thirteen years his own Tai Chi Chuan Center in Bremen (Germany), now the Tai Chi Chuan Bremen Association. He organized workshops with Master Chen in Bremen from 1988 and until the Association took over this work.

For six years he has been travelling around different countries giving Tai Chi Chuan, Pushing Hands and Chi Kung workshops as a guest teacher and visiting his masters regularly.

Web site : www.taichi-luismolera.de

Workshops 1 + 2

Tui Shou, San Shou and other games to understand the martial aspects of Tai Chi Chuan.


Maria Nedelcheva
Workshop 1 + 2 : Taijijian 32 mouvements

Maria Nedelcheva

Maria Nedelcheva has practiced wushu, taijiquan and qigong since 1985. European Cup vicechampion / taijiquan 42 1995 (European Wushu Federation official championship). She studied the theory and practice of traditional Chinese drama, and more particularly its martial aspects. Styles and teachers : Traditional Old Yang taiji : Teng Shi-hai, Yang Ting-Wei, Antoine Ly Official competition and orthodox Yang taiji style : Xiao Qin , Sun Zhengquan Chang quan, jian , dao, gun, qiang and shaolinquan, gun, jian : Xiao Qin , Sun Zhengquan, Li Yajun,Valerii Malakhov. Qigong : Lin Kai Ting, Sun Zhengquan,Wang Jianjun Seminars with : William C.C. Chen, Zhou Yi, Dan Docherty, Sheng Fei . Seminars / chinese traditional medicine and massage : Dr Chan Qia

Web site : www.kalagia.mlnk.net

Workshop 1 + 2

Taijijian 32 mouvements


Richard Odell
Workshop 1 : Sword Applications Workshop / Workshop 2 : Sabre Applications Workshop

Richard Odell

A full time Tai Chi instructor who has studied Wudang style with Katherine Allen and Dan Docherty and fan form with Cornelia Gruber. A firm belief that Tai Chi is suitable for everyone is reflected in classes ranging from working with profoundly disabled groups, schools and over 55 groups to applications, pushing hands and sparring. Gold medalist in hand and weapons forms at British Open Championships and Gold medalist in weapons sparring sets at European Championships and the 6th Grand World Wushu Festival Shanghai.

Workshop 1 : Sword Applications Workshop

We will discuss some history and principles of the double edged sword (jian) and practice some applications and then work on a short two person application sequence. Suitable for anyone who is willing and would like to practice weapons applications. If you have your own wooden sword please bring it along but there will be some to borrow.

Workshop 2 : Sabre Applications Workshop

We will discuss some history and principles of the single edged sword (Dao) and practice some applications and then work on a short two person sequence. Suitable for anyone who is willing and would like to practice weapons applications. If you have your own wooden sabre please bring it along but there will be some to borrow.


Gilles Petitdemange
Workshop 1 : Hunyuan neigong / Workshop 2 : Exercises Chansi gong

Gilles Petitdemange

Gilles has been practicing tai-chi chuan since 1990. Initially studying the Yang style, in 1995 he began studying various Chen styles with Master Wang Chun Xiang and later Wang Xian. In 2003, he studied Chen Style at Center Hunyuan France with Lac Le -My. The Center promotes the authentic lessons of Master Feng Zhiqiang. He is member of the "Center HunYuan France" (hunyuanfrance@wanadoo.fr) and currently teaches the tai ji quan in Lapoutroie (Alsace).

Workshop 1 : Hunyuan neigong

Exercises of taoist energy work which stimulates the meridian lines and helps with the stretching and relaxation of the body while reinforcing internal energy.

Workshop 2 : Exercises Chansi gong

Specific techniques in tai-chi chuan Chen style which, through the exercises of spiral rolling up, aim at mobilizing the articulations of the body (external work) and stimulating the energy centers (internal work).


Georges Saby
Workshop 1 : Wuji Qigong / Workshop 2 : Taijiquan of YANG Luchan

Georges Saby

George Saby 30 years of research in Asian Internal Arts. Author of 5 books and 100 self teaching videos and training courses. teacher, coach, artist

Workshop 1 : Wuji Qigong

Associated with advanced Taijiquan, with the focus to develop coordination of the internal and external energies , spontaneousness of Chi, rooting, vertebral flexibility etc.

Workshop 2 : Taijiquan of YANG Luchan

Initiation to the form Part 1, its characteristics: spirals, F-jing(explosions), and movements which have been removed in the 108 form movements of YANG Chen Fu.


Jean-Pierre Schorpp
workshops 1+2: morning exericises

Jean-Pierre Schorpp

Student of Cornelia Gruber and teacher at the school of Tai-Chi Chuan C.Gruber in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
"I discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1993 and ever since I am studing and refining my technique. I am always looking for the precision in the circular movements by concentrating on working with the center. Tai-Chi Chuan gives me a different approach to my day to day living as well as a certain philosophy."

workshops 1+2: morning exercises

Lauren Smith
Workshop 1 : Internal space to external space / Workshop 2 : External space to internal space

Lauren Smith

Lauren Smith, born 1967, began studying Taijiquan in 1987 after years of experience as a wrestler. Beginning in Taiwan Lauren studied, mostly Yang style Taijiquan, with various teachers before traveling to different countries and pushing hands with as many people as possible. He began teaching in Europe in 1991at the invitation of his teacher Serge Dreyer. Since living in Europe he has gathered experience in different western movement systems such as Feldenkrais, Rolfing movement and most recently Bothmer gymnastics. Lauren has won many international tournaments in both form competition and pushing hands. His understanding of Taijiquan is supported by University degrees in Chinese and many years of practice and teaching.

Workshop 1 : Internal space to external space

What criteria do we have to improve our form practice? One direction to explore is to give attention to our posture. We will do various exercises to discover what is a balanced and strong posture.

Workshop 2 : External space to internal space

Are there conditions existing in space which affect our form practice? If so what are they? We will do exercises to explore our perception and integration of the space which surrounds us in our form practice.


Cate Wallis
Workshop 1 : the movement, the change / Workshop 2 : the principle - the inner state of mind

Cate Wallis

Cate teaches martial arts in Switzerland, and in particular, Tai-Chi CHuan since 1982. She has founded her own school, Tai Chi DO, in 1982 in Bienne, where she hosts twice a year her master Chen Xiao Wang, whos style she is also teaching.

Reeling Silk - Chansigong - the essence of Taichi Chen Only one thing stays permanent: the change! One axes, one center, circles will create spirales...

Web site : www.taichido.ch

Workshop 1

the movement, the change

Workshop 2

the principle - the inner state of mind


Victoria Windholtz
Workshop 1 : Zhan zhuang : spirit within / Workshop 2 : Chen style Tai chi : Spirals : from simple to complex

Victoria Windholtz

Victoria Windholtz was born in Spain in 1971 and started studying martial arts intensively from the age of 10. She has been a member of the French National Wushu Team for years, as a Tai chi specialist. European champion and internationally renowed expert on Chen style Tai chi, she teaches in France and internationally.

Workshop 1 : Zhan zhuang : spirit within

The Zhang zhuang gong litteraly means « standing still like a tree » and is the foundation of all the Tai chi postures. By stripping your practice to the bare essentials, you find yourself. Its study allows the practicionner to refine the sensations of the whole body. The zhan zhuang greatly helps to correct the bad postures of our sedentary life and allows us to achieve quietness and peace of mind. This workshop is suitable for practicionners of internal arts of all levels.

Workshop 2 : Chen style Tai chi : “Spirals : from simple to complex”

Tai chi is the Art of the spiral. During this workshop will be shown different techniques which will allow each practicionner to discover and experience the transition from the most sober spirals to the most sophisticated ones. These techniques may interest Tai chi practionners from any style. All levels of practice welcome.

© Tai-Chi Chuan Cornelia 2006-2025