Jürg Champoud
Workshop 1 : Living qigong

Jürg Champoud

qigong teacher in Spiez (CH) passes on his experience in body and energy work of east and west.

Site internet : www.yimotion.ch

Workshop 1

Living qigong
qigong is a pleasure and plays with body and energies. With very simple but efficient exercises for health we travel physically and mentally through our body and especially through the spine; this will allow us the become aware of our profound human nature. Another particularity of it is the harmonisation of our 3 Dan Tien.l'harmonisation de nos 3 Dan Tien.


Fernando Chedel
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tui shou mobile

Fernando Chedel

Fernando Chedel has been training Tai Chi Chuan for 34 years. He was a close student of the Chinese Tai Chi master Ma Tsun-Kuen for 20 years in Buenos Aires and is his designated successor. He is now the director of the International Ma Tsun-Kuen Tai Chi Chuan school which includes teachers and schools in Argentina, Spain and Germany. In 1995 Fernando moved to Spain in order to give closer support to his European students. His main interests are Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art and as a practical philosophy.

Web site : www.matsunkuen-europe.com

Workshop 1 + 2

Tui shou mobile


Josué Häfliger
Workshop 1 + 2 : Morning exercices

Josué Häfliger

He is 29 years old and passioned by martial arts. He is practicing essentially Tai-Chi Chuan (Combined Tai-Chi Chuan). He is not looking for titles nor glory in Tai-Chi Chuan but "only" for his personal path.

Workshop 1 + 2

Morning exercices
It is important in the morning to prepare one's body and mind in order to start the day in good shape! In fact, there is nothing quite like getting into shape in a gentle way after a good night's sleep. This workshop is suitable for everybody and will be divided into two parts.


Nicole Henriod
Workshop 1 + 2 : Stick at eyebrows height

Nicole Henriod

Nicole Henriod has been Lizelle Reymond's pupil and has followed training courses of her Master Dee Chao, himself pupil of Cheng Man Ching.

In 1989, she began to follow Master Wang Yen-Nien's training courses and after that his pupil Luc Defago's teaching. She is member of the European College of Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan.

Since 2007, she takes part in the committee who was at the creation of "CentrÂge", this association that groups together and trains teachers of Taiji and Qigong for elder people.

Workshop 1 + 2 : Stick at eyebrows height

The stick of the Xingyi School also called eyebrows height. This defines clearly the height of the stick.

We will practice handling exercises, static and in move, and will start learning the form comprising 4 duan (sequences). The stick is a dexterity and quickness practice that naturally brings the whole body into spiral or circular movements extremely efficient for the circulation of the energies and the work in depth of the mussels.

Nicole has learned this form with Charles Li, Master Wang's pupil.


Thierry Huguet
Workshop 1 + 2 : The sabre or the praise of the circle

Thierry Huguet

After having practiced and taught Traditionnal Ju Jitsu since 1980, Thierry Huguet discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1995 at the "Union Art Tai Ji Quan", namely with Thierry Alibert and Georges Saby. Qualified by the Wushu French Federation he distinguished himself at the European championship in St-Petersburg in 2004 as well as at the French championships in Paris in 2005 and 2008. After having studied Wu style with Chen Yi Hi and improved his work with various experts, he now follows this apprenticeship by the historical direct descendants of the Yang family, namely Master Yang Jung and his representatives in France. He has a diploma in Traditional Chinese Massages (Tuina) and is at the moment completing his education in acupuncture at the Wang Academy in Toulouse.

Workshop 1 + 2 : The sabre or the praise of the circle

Energetic educatives to "fill" the sabre and to transfer the intents, the Qi in the weapon.

Discover of the 13 postures form for the Yang school.

Martial illustrations for two.


Nils Klug
Workshop 1 + 2 : body mechanics according to Wiiliam C. C. Chen

Nils Klug

He began studying Tai Chi Chuan in 1988. Teaching activity in Hannover since 1990.

In this year, he also began studying under Master William C. C. Chen, New York.

Following his certification as teacher by William C. C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Inc. in 1993, he founded his own Tai Chi Chuan school in Hannover, Germany.

Training of instructors. Organization of workshops with internationally-known guest instructors; since 1997 he has organized yearly workshops with Master Chen in Hannover.

In 2001, he initiated the International Push Hands Meeting, the largest event of this kind in Germany.

Member of the Taijiquan und Qi Gong Network of Germany (Taijiquan und Qi Gong Netzwerk-Deutschland e. V.), in the Taijiquan und Qi Gong Federation of Europe. Has taught workshops throughout Europe since 1996.

1st chairman of the Taijiquan and Qi Gong Federation for Europe (TCFE).

Web site : www.tai-chi-studio.de

Workshop 1 + 2 : body mechanics according to Wiiliam C. C. Chen

Connexion of form and push hands.


Susanne Lohrer Rovero
Qigong in the park

Susanne Lohrer Rovero

Susanne Lohrer Rovero CH has been practicing Qigong since 19 years and teaches since 1999. Her teachers are Master Liu Dong and Master Minoru Hoshino and she has also studied at the " Medical Association for Qigong Yanghseng". She is a professional physiotherapeut specialised in the Mezier approach and in rythmical massage.

Qigong in the park

Workshop 1

From the tree form we will go into simple stepping and horse stepping while practicing some formes of the 15 movements qi gongYangsheng.

Workshop 2

Self massage is preparing us to the perception of qi while practicing some forms of the bear and the tiger.

Nathan Menaged
Workshop 1 + 2 : the Water-form

Nathan Menaged

Nathan Menaged is a senior disciple of Grandmasters Williams C.C. Chen and the late Dr. Tao Ping-Siang (1919-2006). Having learned the Water style and Tai Chi Chuan from Dr. Tao, Nathan has been conducting workshops throughout the U.S. and Europe for the past fifteen years. His passion for transmitting these Arts is exemplified in his relaxed and simultaneously energetic teaching style that is down-to-earth and easy to understand.

Workshop 1 + 2 : the Water-form

Various parts of the Water-form will be used to help teach three-dimensional yielding as it applies to push hands, sword and self defense applications. Using Master Chen's body mechanics, people will be taught the principles of linking, relaxing and issuing.

Additional training course after the meeting

  • Monday November 2 from 1 to 4 and 8 to 10 pm
  • Tuesday November 3 from 9 to 12 am and 1 to 3 pm

Nathan Menaged two days training course fees : Fr. 240.-


Franco Mescola

Franco Mescola

Franco Mescola has studied martial arts for over 40 years and internal arts since 1975. In 1985 he founded the Tai Chi Research Centre in his native Venice and has worked in hospitals researching the effetcs of qigong on patients. He has also written a number of articles and books on internal arts. Franco also hosts an international internal arts festival in his native Venice.

Workshop 1 + 2

Tai chi applications and Tui Shou Chinna enphatizing spiraling patterns.


Helmut Oberlack
Workshop 1 + 2 : Taiji-Qigong

Helmut Oberlack

Helmut Oberlack started to learn Taijiquan in 1981 and Qigong in 1984. He is co-founder of the German Taijiquan and Qigong Network and publisher of the Taijiquan & Qigong Journal. He is teaching Taijiquan and Qigong in private classes and also for the "Verband Turner Bund".

Workshop 1 + 2 : Taiji-Qigong

Taiji-Qigong is a relatively new Qigong-style, developed in the 80s; the movements were influenced by Taiji movements. In this workshop we look which Taiji's principles can be applied to the movements and how the quality of the movements changes when we focus on different principles.


Jean-Luc Perot
Workshop 1 + 2 : Itinerary between Qigong and Tui Shou

Jean-Luc Perot

"I began Japanese martial arts in 1962 and finally discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1978 during my education in Chinese medicine. It is in 1982, after meeting with Serge Dreyer that I was determinate to study the style Yang Michuan. Since then, I wander between hand forms, fan and stick; Qi Gong, manual therapy and dance, Tui Shou and San Shou, with as leading theme the well-being and the pleasure to awake and to share."

Workshop 1 + 2 : Itinerary between Qigong and Tui Shou

My suggestion : "An itinerary between Qi Gong and Tui Shou to improve the vertebral health with the 6 animal dynamisms, and to affine the awareness of the meeting with the 6 internal dispositions and to let the whole evaluate from the awake of the internal space up to the occupation of the external space. With pleasure."


Mireille Reichenbach
Workshop 1 + 2 : Beginning practicing Tai-Chi Chuan at 60 and even later

Mireille Reichenbach

As teenager, I used to practice judo for 5 years. Much later, in 1992, I met with Cornélia Gruber and Tai-Chi Chuan. Since few years I teach an adapted form to a group of elder people.

Workshop 1 + 2 : Beginning practicing Tai-Chi Chuan at 60 and even later

In this workshop I suggest to let you discover the conscientious walk and to try the experience of a practice that can also be done while sitting. We will work a short form (12 movements) and little work with a partner. This workshop is open to anyone who wants to have a look.


Ronnie Robinson
Workshop 1 : Push Hands / Workshop 2 : Da Lui

Ronnie Robinson

Secretary of the TCFE

Ronnie has studied Taijiquan since 1981 and is a full-time professional instructor who is also a regular at major European events. He is an active promoter of internal arts who serves as Secretary of the Taijiquan & Qigong Federation and is editor of Tai Chi Chuan & Internal Arts magazine (UK). He has published a number of books and articles on tai chi chuan and two DVD's. Ronnie also organises an annual international internal arts event in his native Scotland.

Workshop 1 : Push Hands

Structure and Intent
In the art of Tui Shou we are taught to go with the force of our opponent (yielding) but it is also important that we have a strong internal structure coupled with an appropriate awareness or intent to negate the oncoming force. In this workshop we'll work with a series of exercises to develop these aspects.

Workshop 2

Da Lui


Almut Schmitz
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tuishou

Almut Schmitz

Almut Schmitz started to learn Taijiquan and Qigong about 24 years ago with Christel Proksch (Zheng Manqing form), since 1994 she is learning Chen style Taijiquan with Jan Silberstorff and Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang. She has been teaching for more then twenty years, is mother of two children and editor of the Taijiquan & Qigong Journal.

Workshop 1 + 2 : Tuishou

The Tuishou or Push Hands routines are the foundation of Taijiquan partnerwork. In the workshops we will start with a single hand circle and focus on the double hand circle which combines the four basic techniques Peng, Lü, Ji, An or ward off, divert, squeeze and push. In practicing the double hand routine we get a better understanding of these techniques as well as the listening to and understanding of the energy both from our partner and from ourselves. Depending on level and interest of the participants we can also transfer this into the free Push Hands practice.


Jean-Pierre Schorpp
Workshop 1 + 2 : Basic Fan techniques

Jean-Pierre Schorpp

Student of Cornelia Gruber and teacher at the school of Tai-Chi Chuan C.Gruber in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. "I discovered Tai-Chi Chuan in 1993 and ever since I am studing and refining my technique. I am always looking for the precision in the circular movements by concentrating on working with the center. Tai-Chi Chuan gives me a different approach to my day to day living as well as a certain philosophy."

Workshop 1 + 2 : Basic Fan techniques

The fan is not just a tool to cool yourself off with during a heatwave! It is also a short weapon efficient and esthetic. In this workshop we will learn the handeling and the principal techniques of the fan used in the Dragon's fan. If time permits, we will also work on some applications with a partner.


Epi Van de Pol
Workshop 1 : Sinking / Workshop 2 : Yielding

Epi Van de Pol

Epi van de Pol started to learn Yang style Taijiquan in 1975 and has been teaching since 1979. Main influences since 1991 are Wee Kee Jin and Peter Ralston. If you want to know more see www.epitaijiquan.nl.

Workshop 1 : Sinking

Sinking starts in the foot and has its relaxing and freeing effect through the whole body. Sinking has to be a continuous even process and the relaxation inside the sinking produces the physical movement. Most people move against the gravity; in Taiji the ideal is to move with the gravity and this process is called sinking. The mind moves the chi and the chi moves the body.

Workshop 2 : Yielding

A soft internal martial art as Taijiquan needs to adapt to the forces of the attacker. Yielding is one of the basic qualities in order not to resist any force and yet stick or adhere to the incoming force as well. In order to understand the different levels of yielding we will break up the processes of yielding into several exercises and consider different types of yielding.


Cate Wallis
Workshop 1 : The spiral - the form / Workshop 2 : The spiral - the content

Cate Wallis

1975/1977 : Japan - Cate makes a long stay of nearly 2 years in an Aïkido professional school and has a first contact with Tai-Chi !

1978 : Cate opens a school for martial arts in Bienne. (She is black belt in Aïkido - Karate - Jiu Jitsu).

Three years later, Cate goes for a long travel through China. When she comes back, she dedicates herself entirely to Tai-Chi.

1982 : Creation of the TAI-CHI DO school : Cate gives intensive teachings through Switzerland and at her own centre in Bienne. Tai-Chi becomes then a full-time occupation.

1990 : Cate meets master Chen Xiaowang and becomes a direct disciple.

Twice a year, Cate's school welcomes the master; he gives Taichi intensives courses for teachers but also training courses during week-ends for Cate's pupils and people wanting to practice or discover Chen style.

In 2007, in Lamoli, Cate receives the 20th generation title from master Chen Xiaowang.

Tai-Chi becomes my way...
I love this sentence meaning that one teaches what we decide to learn !

Workshop 1

The spiral - the form

Workshop 2

The spiral - the content


Luigi Zanini
Workshop 1 : Usage of Palms in Baguazhang / Workshop 2 : Wuji Qigong, Emptiness Exercise

Luigi Zanini

Luigi Zanini studies Chinese martial arts since 1977 and teaches Baguazhang and Qigong since 1991.

Experienced in forms, weapons (1988 Italian Championship) and fighting, he has been studying Chinese internal and external martial arts and Qigong systems in Europe and USA.

He had the chance to meet and study with many skilled martial artists all around the world.

In 2000 he attained his degree in Chinese Traditional Medicine and Tuina (Chinese massage) with the Nanjing Academy of TCM.

In 2004 he travelled to India to deepen his meditation studies.

For more info : Izanini.blogspot.com

Workshop 1 : Usage of Palms in Baguazhang

Baguazhang is widely known as the art of subtle evasion and quick stepping. But in order to be effective, a martial art has to be able also to use whole body for releasing power and hit the opponent. The concept of Zhang - or palms - creates the base for the study of different energies, directions and application. We will go through some of the eight basic palms (Ba Da Mu Zhang) practicing single techniques, repetitions in line and in circle, and two persons training.

Workshop 2 : Wuji Qigong, Emptiness Exercise

Where is the link between immobility (Jing Gong) and movement (Dong Gong)? Where do movement and breath start to become Qigong? From these questions we will start a journey back to the roots of breath, of movement, to understand the main elements of this special branch of Chinese Traditional Medicine. This Qigong has no form, as it is the simple connection between body, mind and breath. Qigong is the base for health and for martial training.


© Tai-Chi Chuan Cornelia 2006-2025