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Hello Registration before September 30. => Discount of 20 %Number of places limited
Fabian Cretton (Switzerland)
Workshop 1 + 2: Fangsong (loosen) revisited and
     an introduction to the underrated TongTou (permeability/transparency)
After some years of practice in Valais (CH), fascinated by the different aspects (philosophy, health and martial practice), I went to China full of questions. There I met Yang Cheng Long, an unknown man whose mastery represents for me a certain quintessence of the practice. At 60, he is very healthy, has a profound understanding of the different aspects of the ancient texts, and is a redoubtable martial artist.
This year I celebrate 20 years of practicing Taiji Quan. I have no pretention about my "level", but I am ready to share, with his consent, the so peculiar know-how (gong-fu) of Yang Cheng Long.
More information on my webside: www.voiedumilieu.ch
TuiShou – competition (I don't attach importance to these results)
CTND 2013 (Stuttgart) Gold for fixed step, Silver for moving steps
CTND 2012 (Stuttgart) 3rd place for fixed and moving steps
Workshop 1 + 2: Fangsong (loosen) revisited, and an introduction to the underrated TongTou (permeability/transparency)
Few are, in my opinion, people who truly practice in a physically loosen state (FangSong). This internal state is the result of a specific training to open/loosen joints internally, and it is not enough to "feel relaxed" or "being flexible". Going further in this work, we develop an internal harmony: a "living" uniformity where everything is soft and bound. We will try to understand these states, test them, practice specific exercises and discover a better understanding of the classical Taiji Quan sayings.
As reference:
- One of the rare texts I found in English on the web that talks about TongTou, which moreover does reflect my thoughts
- My translation of the "Taiji Quan treatise"
The workshop could interest beginners as well as advanced practitioners, no matter the style, no matter the main interest (philosophy, health and martial practice).
Béatrice Gemperli-Link (Suisse)
Atelier 1 : Des formes douces et claires - Atelier 2 : Salutations de l'automne
Béatrice travaille depuis 10 ans, dans son cabinet de Qigong, de massage des points d'acupuncture, de réflexologie des pieds et de chromothérapie. La connaissance et l'accès aux sensations et à la profondeur se complètent à merveille avec le Qigong. Sa formation avec les enseignants Zheng Zhang et Daniel Züblin, une formation continue de la posture de l'arbre avec Jumin Chen et différentes formations complémentaires sont des étapes importantes sur la route précieuse du Qigong.
Atelier 1 : Des formes douces et claires
Des formes douces et claires, vers l'intérieur et vers l'extérieur, vers le haut et vers le bas, dans leur beauté: « Yin-Yang Qigong »
Atelier 2 : Salutations de l'automne
Salutations de l'automne, les oiseaux se déplacent: « Le Qigong de l'automne et le pas de la grue »
Mauro Bertoli-Maximiliano Motta (Italy)
Workshops 1 + 2 : Comparison of “Peng”, “Lu”, “Ji” and “An” in Yang and Chen styles
Mauro Bertoli started his martial education when he was still a child, first practising Judo and after going on with Karate.
In 1987 he began to practise Tai Chi Chuan “Yang” style, with the Master Chang Dsu Yao. After the death of the Founder, he attended several events and seminars held by eminent figures of the field.
In 1995 he was acquainted with Master Yang Lin Sheng and he became his student, learning mainly Tai Chi Chuan “Chen” style and Yi Chuan.
In 2001 he went on a long study tour around China, practising with many Masters.
In 2013, together with a group of qualified friends, he created ARTY (Associazione Ricerche Taijiquan Yiquan) with the aim of spreading and enhancing these disciplines. mauro_bert@libero.it
Maximiliano Motta started his martial education at the age of 13, with the practice of the Shaolin Quan at the Chang Dsu Yao School where, at the age of 17, he started studying the Tai Chi Chuan Yang style. At the age of 20 he met Master Yang Lin Sheng, with whom he started the everyday practice of Yi Quan, Tai Chi Chuan Chen Style and of the Xing Yi Quan. Together with Master Yang he attended a variety of seminars and achieves the qualification of Master in 2005.
He started teaching in Milan in 2000 and in the following years he held seminars in Varese, Parma, Milan.
In 1998 he spent two months in China, as a guest of Master Yang.
Here he could improve and refine his qualities with high-level Masters in Beijing and Inner Mongolia.
In 2013, together with a group of qualified friends, he created ARTY (Associazione Ricerche Taijiquan Yiquan) with the aim of spreading and enhancing these disciplines. motta.max@gmail.com
Workshops 1 + 2 : Comparison of “Peng”, “Lu”, “Ji” and “An” in Yang and Chen styles
Comparison and analysis of the “peng”, “lu”, “ji” and “an” techniques in the Yang and Chen of Taijiquan styles, along with some suggestions about the interpretation of the Yi Quan.
Techniques will be considered in their distinct postural, energetic and martial features as a result of a common path made concurrently by two teachers.
Their aim is to expand the outlook on two of the most performed styles, in order to find out similarities and differences between them and to create a bridge which can link history, technique and different movements so as to pursue the same essence.
Jean-Luc Perot (Belgique)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai-Chi Chuan - Qigong
"J'ai débuté les arts martiaux japonais en 1962 et ai finalement rencontré le Taichichuan, en 1978, lors d'une formation en médecine chinoise.
C'est en 82, avec la rencontre de Serge Dreyer que je me suis déterminé à creuser le style Yang Michuan.
Depuis, je me promène entre formes à mains nues, éventail, bâton, Qi Gong, thérapie manuelle, danse, Tui Shou et San Shou avec, pour fil conducteur, le bien-être et le plaisir d'éveiller et de partager."
Atelier 1 + 2 : Tai-Chi Chuan / Qigong
Construire le corps Tai-chi : le corps comme l’ensemble de nos facultés, de nos ressources et de nos forces connues et inconnues.
Qi Gong des animaux : Santé vertébrale et locomotion animale.
Qi Gong du souffle actif : Le diaphragme, moteur de la cohérence interne.
La conquête de l’espace : Des pistes pour créer sa propre forme de taichi.
Thierry Alibert (France)
Workshop 1 : Qigong for the heart and blood circulation (fire)
Workshop 2 : Qigong for the kidneys (water)
Practices Yang style Taiji, Qigong, Bagua, since 1985
Has been teaching since 1989.
French State Diploma FFKDA and FFwushu
Multiple champion of European and World tournaments (China and Taiwan) in Taiji.
Founder of the school TAO and TAO Prod and of TAO FORMATION, organization for pro training in Taiji and Qigong.
Workshop 1 : Qi gong for the heart and circulation (fire) blood
The heart is represented as "the king" of all organs. This qigong is to soothe the heart and thus regulate blood pressure and blood flow. The heart of a privileged link with the shen (consciousness, mind) which is the most subtle part, the most spiritual of being as such this practice will produce an action on managing emotions.
Workshop 2 : Qi gong for the kidneys (water)
It is said that the kidney is "the root of life" because it stores the essence which is determined at conception by the parents. The Yin of the kidney is the fundamental substance that allows birth, growth and reproduction. The Yang of the kidney is the driving force of all physiological processes. This qigong naturally stimulates the kidney energy while restoring strength and flexibility in the legs and back.
Lac Le-My (France)
Workshop 1 : Chansi gong exercises (Part 1) - Workshop 2 : Chansi gong exercises (Part 2)
From 1979,Taiji quan Yang style and combined style.
From 1989, Chen style
From 1993, Xinyi Hunyuan school (Chen style) with Master Feng Zhiqiang.
From 2002 disciple of master Feng Zhiqiang.
Presidence of “Centre Hunyuan France” www.hunyuanfrance.com and instructor of Zhiqiang Martial Institut in France. info@hunyuanfrance.com
Workshop 1 : Chansi gong exercises (Part 1)
Specific technics in Chen style Taiji quan, using the spiral joint mouvements, make the body more flexible (external work) and mobilize the energetic network of the meridians (internal work).
Workshop 2 : Chansi gong exercises (Part 2)
The use of spiral movement helps the body to move easier and to avoid hard muscle force.
Richard Odell (England)
Workshop 1 : Tui Shou - Pushing Hands
Workshop 2 : Tui Shou - Pushing Hands (Continuation)
A full time Tai Chi instructor who has studied Wudang style with Katherine Allen and Dan Docherty and fan form with Cornelia Gruber.
A firm belief that Tai Chi is suitable for everyone is reflected in classes ranging from working with profoundly disabled groups, schools and over 55 groups to applications, pushing hands and sparring.
Gold medalist in hand and weapons forms at British Open Championships and Gold medalist in weapons sparring sets at European Championships and the 6th Grand World Wushu Festival Shanghai.
Workshop 1 : Tui Shou - Pushing Hands
Looking in detail at both fixed and moving step Tui Shou. We will work both individually and with partners to learn some Tui Shou exercises and use them to discuss how they relate to the basic principles of Tai Chi and their importance in developing and practising martial applications.
Workshop 2 : Tui Shou - Pushing Hands (Continuation)
For Intermediate or Advanced.
Charles Davis (USA)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai Chi Chuan and the right intention
In 1976, he began to train with master Bow Sim Mark in the family system style Fu (Tai Chi, Leung Yi, Bagua and Hsing Yi).
A few years later, he discovers Capoeira
and becomes Capoeîra master Angola style.
He teaches Tai Chi Chuan and Capoeïra Angola in Boston USA.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai Chi Chuan and the right intention
Menelik Musa (USA)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai Chi-Bagua Chi Gung
Menelik began his training in 1960 with two eastern disciplines: Hatha Yoga (Swami Vishnu Devananda) and Goju-Ryu Karate (Sensei Tony Marakean).
In 1970 he began his tai chi training with Master T.T. Liang.
In 1976 he trained with Master Bow Sim Mark the Fu-style family system (Tai Chi, Leung Yi, Bagua and Hsing Yi).
In 1980, Menelik began training Tien Dao Chi Gung with Master Chi Kuan Wen.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai Chi-Bagua Chi Gung
Bagua is based on the law of change and transformation of energy changing into matter and matter returning to energy.
So, the distribution of energy and information (Chi) throughout the body is achieved in a most efficient way when the body is in motion, and we can gather and store this energy more effectively when the body is in stillness. The lower body training begins with the square stepping practice, this develops your moving, kicking, sweeping techniques and is the foundation for the circle walking practice. It is also the best way to open the joints of the hips, knees, ankles and feet. The upper body training uses the twisting, turning and coiling movements to open the joints of the neck, spine, shoulders, elbows, wrist and hips. The eight mother palms standing practice develops body alignment, releases tension and enhances mental awareness. Then we walk infinity as we express the eight mother palms. The tai chi movements are based on vertical and horizontal silk reeling movements, this is also the foundation for our push hands practice. We conclude with nourishing the life force energy which is a relaxing, calming way to gather and store our energy.
Gabriele Laritz (Austria/Switzerland)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Applications with force from the Center
1990 I begin with Qi Gong, Kung Fu and the art of combat with stick and other weapons.
During several long stays in Asia, I deepened my knowledge.
1996 I began teaching.
1997 with Hsiu Yao Rosa Chen (National Coach) and Master Chen (master push-hands) in the Park of peace in Taipei, Taiwan, I began the intensive study of the Yang style.
2000-2003 I participated in several international tournaments of push-hands and weapon forms. After intensive training for the tournaments I won several titles.
The students of our school have obtained very good results as well.
2005, I began to study the Chen style.
Martial Arts are not only my profession but also my mission in life.
It is an exciting way of life, enriching to no end.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Applications with force from the Center
The form applications are very useful for practicing and understanding the form. We will train the Yang form applications and will try to work with the strength of the centre. The principle is simple and can also be applied in push hands.
Workshop 1: Beginner - Workshop 2: Intermediate and Advanced
Christian Unverzagt (Germany)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Practicing Form and Tuishou with regard to the Classics
He has been practicing Taijiquan since 1987.
In the 1990s, he used to live in China and Southeast Asia for a couple of years. In Taiwan he became a student of late master Ke Qihua, who had belonged to the inner circle of Zheng Manqing's disciples.
In 2006, Christian Unverzagt was honoured with the „Golden Cup? for his performance of Form 37, Sword, Fixed and Moving Step Push Hands at the 3rd International Zheng Manqing Forum in Montecatini, Italy.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Practicing Form and Tuishou with regard to the Classics
Postures, movement and partner exercises have to be in accordance with the principals as written down in the classical writings of Taijiquan. We try to find theses principals in our practice of both, Form and Tuishou. Thereby we hope to improve our understanding of how Form and Tuishou can nourish each other.
For all levels
Foen-Tjoeng-Lie (Swizerland)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Yin and Yang Taiji movements
Owner of Kolibris Seminare, is responsible for the quality and execution of the offered training programs. He is visiting professor at the Guangxi University of TCM in China and has extensive training in qigong, Taiji and TCM. He was one of the first qigong teachers in Europe, is author of several books and has taught for 20 years in German-speaking countries.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Yin and Yang Taiji movements
In this workshop, we will explore and practice one of the taijjiquan principles of movement concerning the meaning of Yin and Yang and reciprocal promotion despite apparent differences.
Luis Molera (Spain)
In memoriam
Practiced Tai Chi Chuan since 1980 and tought since 1987.
His main teachers were: William Chi-Cheng Chen, New York, since 1983. Chen Shiu-Yao (Rosa Chen) Taiwan, since 1990.
Tai Chi Form and practical Applications; Pushing Hands; San Shou.
Tai Chi Sword; Sabre; Fan and Stick.
Taichi/Chikung Shi Ba shi I, II and III Set.
Passed away on May 11, 2015, in Hamburg (D)
~ In Memoriam ~
Master Luis Molera
Master Luis Molera passed away peacefully on May 11, 2015
Luis was much more than a gifted martial artist. He was a respectful student and always strived to be better. Even after attaining world class status in martial arts, he remained humble, approachable, respectful and was never a critic. In the classroom, he tried to inculcate in his students the same values he lived by. He coached in an atmosphere of understanding and compassion. A motivator who worked to bring out each individual's unique abilities and potential for growth. Luis was and will forever remain, among the most brilliant of my master teachers. - Grandmaster William CC Chen
Peter den Dekker (Holland)
Workshop 1 : Postural Training - Workshop 2 : Shi Li and Pushing Hands
Peter den Dekker (1958) teaches Chi Kung and Da Cheng Chuan in Holland and various other European countries.
He is a senior teacher in the lineage of sifu Lam Kam-Chuen and uses Chi Kung as a way of improving body structure and health. Peter is the author of the book The Dynamics of Standing Still. Many of his students are professionals in music, dance and theater. He leads special trainings for people with immunity weakness and is sought as guest teacher at academies and congresses. For many years Peter was a teacher and principal at various schools for complementary medicine.
Since 1987 Peter has been a practising acupuncturist, for the last ten years using the Japanese Toyohari style.
Workshop 1 : Postural Training ; the foundation of martial and health practice
Postural Chi Kung, zhan zhuang, is a profound and universal way to boost internal vitality. In past centuries it was used as a foundation for several martial disciplines, as well as a powerfull medium for health improvement. We will explore in depth a range of basic standing postures, as well as a number of applied zhan zhuang postures.
Workshop 2 : Shi Li and Pushing Hands
Once internal structure is developed and the body is charged, effective movement can be developed. All movement will be supported from within. We will explore a number of repetitive movements, shi li. These movements form the bridge between postural training, zhan zhuang, and full movement and pushing hands.
Siu Yin Mark (USA)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai Chi Foundation
Siu Yin Mark studied with Grandmaster Fu Wing-fei (Fu Yonghui) of the Fu family system as an “indoor” student at his school in Guangzhou for ten years.
She won numerous awards in China for her Quan and Jian forms.
Ms. Mark came to the United States over thirty years ago and has taught privately there.
She is the youngest sister of Bow Sim Mark.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Tai Chi Foundation
Internal Power is an introduction to Master Siu Yin Mark’s deep posture and stretching exercises, with an emphasis on building core strength and connectivity. Techniques for enhancing the movement of qi and maintaining power while practicing tai chi will be covered. Students will be also introduced to the Fu Style tai chi long form to emphasize tai chi basic requirements and demonstrate correct movements to generate power.
Roberta Polizi (Germany)
Workshop 1+ 2 : Swimming Dragon Body Mechanics and Waterstyle Pushing Hands
I’ve been practicing Taiji in the tradition of Zheng Manqing since 1996 and Waterstyle (Liu He Ba Fa) in the tradition of Dr Tao Ping-Siang and Nathan Menaged since 2006.
I am most fascinated by the playfulness and softness of the inquiring approach of Taijiquan; by the subtlety of its body-work and the possibilities it offers for gently exploring oneself, sharing and interaction.
Workshop 1 and 2 : Swimming Dragon Body Mechanics and Waterstyle Pushing Hands
We are going to explore the waterstyle body mechanics - after Dr. Tao and Nathan Menaged - in pushing hands practice. Sinuous and winding, with a fishlike body structure, we organise our body around the empty space and let the partner/opponent flow around us like water or be surprised from the coming out of a sudden wave. Playing with feet together we investigate the potential of this apparently weak stance: flexible and rooted, funny and extremely joint-friendly!
We practice in single and partner work, experience in pushing hands would be advantageous.
Josue Haefliger (Switzerland)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Morning exercices
He is 33 years old and passionate about martial arts.
He essentially plays tai chi chuan (combined form).
He is neither looking for titles nor glory, but "just" for his personal way through tai chi chuan.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Morning exercices
It is important in the morning to prepare one's body and mind in order to start the day in good shape! In fact, there is nothing quite like getting into shape in a gentle way after a good night's sleep.
This workshop is suitable for everybody and will be divided into two parts.
Tamara Graf (Germany)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Qigong for women
Naturopath, studied Qigong and Taijiquan of Christel Proksch since 1988. In 1993 she followed qigong teacher education in Laoshan Institute.
Since 15 years, she regularly participates in Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong workshops with Gordon Faulkner and Wilhelm Mertens.
Since three years she follows an advanced course in Qigong for women (Nudangong and Hui Chun Gong) with Renate Kuschke.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Qigong for women
Exercises for cleaning, harmonization and improvement of the vital energy of the woman.
Angela Menzel (Germany)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Baguazhang
School of Tai Chi Göttingen & Repersentative of Sha Wushu in Europa.
I am passionate for Taijiquan, Baguazhang, Tongbei Quan and Xingyiquan, passionate for Sha-Wushu.
I especially appreciate the development of the unique “Gong Fu” training traditional Wushu brings to the serious, the intelligent grace and feeling completely “shu fu”!
Partner training means to me an encounter where partners reveal themselves.
I am "Tudee" of Sha Junjie and represent the heritage of Sha Guozheng.
Cooperating with others I am training Trainers for Taijiquan and Qigong. Since fall 2014 I am president of the German Roof Organisation for Qigong and Taijiquan (DDQT)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Baguazhang
Learning the basics of Baguazhang can be compared to learning a new language. It starts with simple, single words, continues with connecting those to short sentences and finally you are able to tell stories embedded between Prologue and Epilogue. As a Martial Art Baguazhang is rich in variations and ways to change as life is and the “I Ging” tells, which Baguazhang can be referred to. As the practitioner you can decide about speed and expression: slow, soft, meditative, fast, powerful... It can be trained as partner training or is a nice thing for a group to experience. Beginners end their first lesson with at least a first sentence to speak. This can be practised as a small, independent Bagua form and is easily expanded with the following opportunity.
Beginners and Advanced are welcome to join.
Godfrey Dornelly (England)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Dao Yin exercises
I began my tai chi journey in 1988 with my teacher, Dan Docherty, and have been a registered teacher of Tai Chi Chuan with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain since its formation in 1991. In the past, I have been successful in Tai Chi competitions both nationally and internationally. With the passage of time I no longer feel the need to compete and now devote my energies on my personal development and that of my students. On numerous occasions I have been one of the instructors at Rencontres Jasnieres and Dragon & Tiger in Germany and conduct annual weekend workshops in Paris, France.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Dao Yin exercises
Dao Yin exercises to improve circulation by stretching and bending.
Tu-na exercises for taking in new air and getting rid of old.
Self defence techniques including chin na.
Some work on toui shou principles.
Helmut Oberlack (Germany)
Workshop 1 + 2 : Taiji-Qigong - Third section
Helmut Oberlack has studied Yang Style Taijiquan since 1981, has practiced Chen style during three years, and recently studied Zhaobao Taijiquan.
His main instructors: Christel Proksch and Sui Qingbo.
Co-founder of Taijiquan & Qigong network Germany and editor of Taijiquan & Qigong Journal.
Workshop 1 + 2 : Taiji-Qigong - Third section
Taiji-Qigong is a relatively new Qigong-style, developed in the 80s; the movements were influenced by Taiji movements. In this workshop we look which Taiji's principles can be applied to the movements and how the quality of the movements changes when we focus on different principles.